Thursday, May 29, 2014

Pittsburgh Backyard Farmings Weekly Update 5/29/14

Pittsburgh Backyard Farmings
Weekly Update 5/29/13

We hope everyone had a great safe holiday weekend! The weather couldn't have been any better here in SWPA! As I type this I am enjoying our first harvest from the strawberry patch!

Remember to be sure all your farm animals have cool fresh water and shade in this hot humid weather, humidity is a chickens worst enemy. Our girls got some nice cold watermelon as their treat and they were loving it!

News around our backyard farm:

  • Meet our newest member of our backyard farm! Miles :)
  • We finally planted out sweet potato slips! They seem like they are loving this heat and rain!
  • We had the opportunity to finally meet one of fans!
  • The daycare Ashley works at is going to be starting an egg incubation project!
  • We've been busy cleaning up the yard/porch for my sisters graduation party.

What's Going On In Our Garden

Cilantro has battled through all the rain! 

You can see our container plants are doing great!
Potato box is doing alright, a few plants are slow growing!
Our 30+ tomato plants are off to a great start!

Sweet Potatoes growing nicely!

Lettuce is ready to be used!

Blueberries are starting to look like berries! ;)

Tiny grapes are forming!

We are going to have a ton of black raspberries!

Yummy strawberries starting to ripen!
Our first harvest 5/29/2014

Garlic is getting bigger and bigger everyday!

Shallots are some crazy looking things!

Can't wait to see what we get!

Potato buds!
Our potato towers we built! 

Grow bags are still growing!

All our corn is up! 

Horseradish is flowering 

Ashley is adding new sand to the run/coop

She also added vanilla air fresheners to deter flies!

We've still be shaking our homemade vanilla! It's almost DONE!!!

Our Avocados are showing a lot of new growth now once they are outside!
I think we figured out the mystery plant... mustard 
So there's our garden this week! I hope you guys are enjoying these updates along with our page! We want to see some pictures of your gardens so please, post some to our page!!!

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